Justia Minnesota Supreme Court Opinion Summaries

The case revolves around the petitioner, Ryan Binkley, who sought to have his name included on the Republican Party of Minnesota's ballot for the 2024 presidential nomination primary. However, the Chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota did not include Binkley as a candidate when notifying the Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon, of the candidates for its ballot. Consequently, Binkley and his campaign committee filed a petition with the court, arguing that the procedures established by Minnesota Statutes section 207A.13, subdivision 2(a), which allow a major political party to determine the candidates that will appear on its ballot for the presidential nomination primary, violate the Electors Clause of the United States Constitution.The case was brought before the Minnesota Supreme Court after the petitioners' claim was denied in the lower court. The petitioners argued that the Electors Clause prohibits state-based favoritism on ballots through the exclusion of qualified candidates. The Secretary of State, however, contended that the presidential nomination primary is not subject to the Electors Clause because Minnesota does not use the presidential nomination primary to appoint presidential electors.The Minnesota Supreme Court agreed with the Secretary of State, ruling that the presidential nomination primary is not part of the process that Minnesota uses to appoint presidential electors. Therefore, the statutes that govern the presidential nomination primary do not fall within the scope of the Electors Clause. The court concluded that the petitioners' claim that section 207A.13, subdivision 2(a) violates the Electors Clause fails as a matter of law. The petition was thus denied. View "J. Binkley for President 2024 vs. Simon" on Justia Law

The defendant, Sylvester Jones, was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct, using force to accomplish sexual penetration. After initially pleading not guilty, Jones later entered a guilty plea to the third-degree criminal sexual conduct charge in return for dismissal of other charges. However, during the plea hearing, Jones made a statement on record denying that he had committed the offense. Despite this, the judge found Jones’s factual basis sufficient to support his guilty plea, accepted it, and adjudged Jones guilty. Jones did not request withdrawal of his guilty plea at the continued sentencing hearing, and the district court sentenced Jones to 153 months in prison.On appeal, Jones argued that his unaddressed assertion of innocence made the factual basis for his guilty plea inaccurate. The court of appeals affirmed the lower court's decision, reasoning that Jones’s assertion of innocence during the plea hearing did not invalidate his plea because after he made the assertion, Jones admitted to the factual basis for the guilty plea through affirmative responses to defense counsel’s leading questions.The Minnesota Supreme Court disagreed with the lower courts. The court found that Jones’s guilty plea was inaccurate because he made a statement at the plea hearing that negated at least one element of the charged offense, and his guilty plea was not sufficiently rehabilitated because defense counsel subsequently used solely leading questions to elicit the necessary admissions for the factual basis. The court concluded that Jones is entitled to withdraw his plea to correct a manifest injustice under Minn. R. Crim. P. 15.05, subd. 1. The court reversed the decision of the court of appeals and remanded the case to the district court for further proceedings. View "State of Minnesota vs. Jones" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
The case involves a dispute over two years of Minnesota individual tax returns filed by Christopher and Nancy Wendell, residents of Wisconsin. In 2019 and 2020, the Wendells filed joint tax returns reporting no Minnesota taxable income, despite receiving over $1 million in payments from Minnesota sources. The Wendells claimed that the payments were not taxable wages or ordinary business income. The Commissioner of Revenue disagreed, modified the Wendells’ reported income, assessed additional income tax, and imposed a 25 percent penalty for filing a frivolous tax return. The Wendells appealed the Commissioner’s assessment, and the Minnesota Tax Court granted summary judgment in the Commissioner’s favor.The Minnesota Tax Court found that the Wendells’ tax liability was correctly calculated and adjusted, that no material facts were in dispute, and that the frivolous return penalty statute was constitutional. The Wendells then appealed to the Minnesota Supreme Court.The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the tax court. The court held that the Commissioner of Revenue had the authority to adjust the Wendells’ reported federal adjusted gross income, the tax court did not err in granting summary judgment in favor of the Commissioner, and the statutory penalty for filing a frivolous return is constitutional. The court rejected the Wendells' arguments that the penalty for filing a frivolous tax return was unconstitutional under the Due Process Clauses and Excessive Fines Clauses of the United States Constitution and Minnesota Constitution or the Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution. View "Wendell vs. Commissioner of Revenue" on Justia Law

The case involves an employee, Daniel Johnson, who had previously injured his back in 2005 while working for Furniture & Things, Inc. He continued to work for the company until 2011, managing his persistent back and leg pain with self-care treatments. In 2016, Johnson started working for Concrete Treatments, Inc., where he sustained another back injury in October 2018. He sought medical treatment for his worsening condition, which was diagnosed as a lumbar strain. In 2021, Johnson underwent surgery for severe spinal canal stenosis. He filed a workers’ compensation claim, seeking benefits for his 2005 and 2018 injuries and payment of outstanding medical expenses.The compensation judge found that Johnson had sustained a permanent work-related injury in October 2018 and that both the 2005 and 2018 injuries were substantial contributing factors to his need for medical care and surgery. The judge also concluded that Johnson was entitled to make a direct claim for unpaid medical expenses owed to his medical providers, who had not intervened in the proceedings. Concrete Treatments appealed the judge's findings on liability and conclusion regarding Johnson’s right to assert a direct claim for unpaid medical expenses.The Workers’ Compensation Court of Appeals (WCCA) affirmed the compensation judge’s determination that Johnson sustained a permanent work-related injury in October 2018 and that the injury was a substantial contributing factor to his permanent low back condition and need for surgery. However, the WCCA held that Johnson could not assert a direct claim for unpaid medical expenses because his medical providers had not intervened in the proceedings.The Supreme Court of Minnesota affirmed in part and reversed in part the WCCA’s decision. The court held that Johnson is entitled to assert a direct claim for unpaid medical expenses and that the compensation judge’s findings regarding the October 2018 injury are not manifestly contrary to the evidence. The case was remanded to the WCCA to determine whether further factual findings are necessary regarding Johnson’s direct claim for unpaid medical expenses. View "Johnson vs. Concrete Treatments" on Justia Law

Posted in: Personal Injury
The case revolves around the legality of the Emergency Management Act (the Act) in Minnesota, which allows the Governor to declare a peacetime emergency in response to a pandemic. The appellants, led by Drake Snell, challenged the Act, arguing that it did not authorize the Governor to declare a peacetime emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and that it violated the nondelegation doctrine.Previously, the district court had dismissed Snell's case, concluding that the Act was a constitutional delegation of power to the Governor. The court of appeals affirmed this decision, stating that the Act granted the Governor the authority to declare a peacetime emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The court of appeals declined to consider Snell's argument that the Act violated the nondelegation doctrine, holding that it was not within the scope of remand.The Supreme Court of Minnesota affirmed the decision of the court of appeals. The court concluded that the Act does authorize a governor to declare a peacetime emergency in response to a public health crisis such as a pandemic. Furthermore, the court found that Governor Walz was authorized under the Act to declare a peacetime emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, the court rejected Snell's contention that the Act violates the nondelegation doctrine, stating that the Act does not represent an unconstitutional delegation of legislative authority. The court noted that the Act places durational limits on the powers and subjects them to termination by the Legislature, thus providing a check on the Governor's powers. View "Procaccini vs. Walz" on Justia Law

The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled that the Legal Marijuana Now Party (LMNP) does not meet the requirements to be classified as a major political party under Minnesota law. The case was initiated by Ken Martin, the chair of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, who filed a petition arguing that the LMNP failed to comply with certain requirements for major political parties. Specifically, Martin claimed that the LMNP did not maintain a state central committee subject to the state convention’s control, as required by Minnesota law.The case was referred to a referee, who concluded that the LMNP had indeed failed to meet the requirements to be a major political party. The LMNP objected to these findings and argued that the relevant statutes unconstitutionally infringed upon its First Amendment associational rights.The Minnesota Supreme Court rejected the LMNP's arguments. It found that the LMNP's single committee, The Head Council, was not subject to the control of the LMNP’s state convention, as required by law. The court also rejected the LMNP’s constitutional challenge, finding that the party failed to demonstrate how the statutory requirements specifically burdened its associational rights. As a result, the court held that the LMNP does not meet all the statutory requirements to maintain its status as a major political party for the upcoming state primary and general elections. View "Martin vs. Simon" on Justia Law

The case involves a wrongful death claim filed by Judith Rygwall, the mother of Amy Rygwall, against ACR Homes, Inc. Amy, a profoundly vulnerable woman with intellectual and physical disabilities, was under the care of ACR Homes. On New Year's Eve 2015, Amy aspirated (inhaled food into her lungs) and began showing signs of respiratory distress. A member of ACR's staff was informed of these signs but did not seek immediate emergency care for Amy. Instead, she searched online for an urgent care clinic that accepted Amy's insurance with the shortest wait time. Amy's condition worsened, and she died 13 days later from related complications. Rygwall filed a wrongful-death action, asserting that ACR should have immediately called 911 upon learning of Amy's respiratory distress and that failure to do so caused Amy's death.ACR moved for summary judgment on the issue of causation. The district court granted ACR's motion, and the court of appeals affirmed. The district court concluded that Rygwall did not establish that Amy would not have died even if she had received emergency care soon after she exhibited respiratory distress and aspirated after lunch at Rise. The court of appeals agreed, reasoning that Rygwall's expert's report did not explain how Amy's treatment would have progressed had she been seen sooner or how immediate treatment would have prevented her condition from becoming fatal.The Supreme Court of Minnesota reversed the decision of the court of appeals and remanded the case to the district court for further proceedings. The Supreme Court held that Rygwall raised a genuine issue of material fact as to whether ACR caused her daughter's death. The court concluded that based on the record, a reasonable jury could find in Rygwall's favor on the issue of causation, and therefore summary judgment for ACR was inappropriate. View "Rygwall vs. ACR Homes, Inc." on Justia Law

The case involves Anthony James Trifiletti, who was convicted of second-degree unintentional felony murder. The conviction followed a second trial after the first ended in a mistrial due to a deadlocked jury. During the second trial, one of the State’s witnesses was exposed to COVID-19 and was deemed unavailable to testify in person. The district court allowed the transcript of her testimony from the first trial to be read into the record instead of live testimony. Trifiletti appealed, arguing that this violated his right to confrontation under the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 6, of the Minnesota Constitution.The Minnesota Supreme Court held that the district court erred in determining that the witness was unavailable under the Confrontation Clause. The court found that the State failed to establish that the witness would not have been available to testify in person at some reasonable point in time during the trial. The court also rejected the State's argument that Trifiletti invited the error by choosing to have the witness's prior testimony read aloud for the jury rather than having her testify via video. However, the court concluded that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt, as the jury's determination that Trifiletti did not act in self-defense was surely unattributable to the witness's testimony. Therefore, the court reversed the decision of the court of appeals. View "State of Minnesota vs. Trifiletti" on Justia Law

Michael Joseph Letourneau was charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct. He was already incarcerated for unrelated reasons, which made him subject to the Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act (UMDDA). This act allows incarcerated individuals to demand the speedy disposition of any pending criminal charges. Letourneau signed a formal request for his trial to commence within 6 months, as provided by the Act. However, during pretrial proceedings, Letourneau had multiple changes of counsel and a continuance due to defense counsel’s conflict that delayed resolution of pretrial matters. The district court found good cause to begin his trial in October, past the deadline otherwise required by the Act.The district court's decision to delay the trial was appealed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals, which affirmed the lower court's decision. The appellate court held that the district court did not abuse its discretion in finding good cause for a continuance because the delay was minimal and because Letourneau did not allege any prejudice caused by the delay.The case was then brought before the Minnesota Supreme Court. The Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals, holding that the district court did not abuse its discretion in delaying the trial. The court noted that the district court had found good cause for the delay, citing changes of counsel, administrative delays, and scheduling issues. The court also noted that Letourneau's counsel did not object to the new trial date or the district court's finding of good cause to continue the trial date. The Supreme Court concluded that Letourneau’s right to a speedy disposition under the Act was not violated, and the district court’s reasonable continuance of the trial was not an abuse of its discretion. View "State of Minnesota vs. Letourneau" on Justia Law

Posted in: Criminal Law
The case revolves around the beneficiaries of a trust established by John Demskie, the founder of Remote Technologies, Inc. (RTI). The trust's principal asset was John Demskie’s 90 percent ownership interest in RTI. After his death in 2016, the beneficiaries alleged that U.S. Bank, the sole trustee, became the controlling shareholder of RTI and took actions that severely diminished the value of RTI and frustrated their reasonable expectations as owners of beneficial interests in RTI. The beneficiaries brought claims against U.S. Bank for breach of fiduciary duty and unfairly prejudicial conduct under the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, seeking damages and a buy-out of their interests in RTI.The district court granted U.S. Bank's motion for judgment on the pleadings, ruling that the beneficiaries could not bring a shareholder action against U.S. Bank under the Minnesota Business Corporation Act because the allegations in the complaint were not sufficient to establish that either the beneficiaries or U.S. Bank were shareholders of RTI. The court of appeals affirmed the dismissal of both claims.The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed in part and reversed in part. The court held that the beneficiaries sufficiently pleaded the shareholder status of U.S. Bank under the notice pleading standard, reversing the dismissal of their breach-of-fiduciary-duty claim. However, the court was evenly divided on the issue of whether owners of beneficial interests in a corporation may initiate an action for a buy-out of their interests, affirming the decision of the court of appeals dismissing their claim for buy-out relief. The case was remanded to the court of appeals for further proceedings. View "Demskie vs. U.S. Bank National Association" on Justia Law